Develop + Secure Your Zen Bubble...

Zen garden path over a pond, Portland Japanese Garden, Portland ...One of my leaders expressed to me in class one day that I have to create my own space in regards to receiving peace where I would like to. That statement has resonated with me ever since she has said it and I have decided to move towards the idea and do just that.... develop my bubble!
I have developed some rules that I must use now and in the future to achieve what I envision my sacred space to feel like at all times. This will be updated frequently as I continue to discover more and more land marks throughout my journey.
I am sharing this with you because you are welcome to invite these habits into your if you feel they may work for you...

Number 1:::: Recognize God's hand in your life
~Seek positivism at all times. Keep an open mind and willingness to learn. Everything that happens to me is for my highest good. I trust and believe that I am right where I need to be when I need to be. If I find opportunity in every challenge to get better and make improvements the challenge can serve its purpose. I must allow events to flow through me without sticking to me in order to prevent it from repeating. God has provided for me to take advantage of its catalytic value in the present moment.

Number 2::: Reserve my energy for God's work
     -My Creator will never give me busy-work or the mind of a work-a-holic. Working is a man made ritual of slavery. Though we have to interact with today's world, the choice as to "how" is important. I deliberately find purpose in everything I do as a result of this notion. Simultaneously, one must release self-importance and see the unity within all things. The universe has a funny way of placing you exactly where one needs to be despite any conditions of the current world. The goal to set here is that, "I live my truth unapologetically and I inspire other to do the same". Only things that coincide with this goals is to be focused on and given priority in my life.
     - Secondly, I provide only when given permission. God will reveal those in need of my blessings. I seek no need to share them casually. From thoughts to feelings, my views are valuable, yet dangerous in the ill-willed of hands. My tongue is the spiritual transportation of these beliefs  inside me and one of the most powerful tools of my body besides my mind. Life or death rest on it. I am to conserve my thoughts and hide them in God for those who seek His will only. I speak with a purpose. Until then Silence is Golden.

Number 3::: Be in the present moment
How to make your life totally Zen! - Best Casino Tips-I indulge in little to no distractions. Whatever I am doing I am completely present physically, mentally, and spiritually until the task is complete. The motto of daily life is usually "Go, go, go", right? Get married by 30. Gain a degree right after high school. Secure a job immediately following your education. You're indoctrinated with several timelines of limited time. But time unlimited... because it's all an illusion. Play with that illusion like a toy that teaches you peace. Know that the BEST moment is now because it is the only thing that is real.

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Number 4::: Keep a balance
-I honor my intellect, spirituality, and peace at all times.
My space is whatever I create to be, whether visible or invisible. There are no rules only the commands I create.

Number 5::: Use reason for only means of self-discipline
-The brain was only meant to normalize the 3rd dimension for us. Reason serves no purpose in higher realms. I exist and manifest in other dimensions the brain cannot make sense of. I use my brain for its purpose in which it was provided.

Number 6::: Do not bring my work home. 
-Whatever happens at on a job is not discussed or merely thought about beyond the door of that job.

Number 7::: Keep an Open Mind and Guard it
- I use the information that changes my mind to actually change my situations. I utilize my insight mixed with courage and perform as if life's a stage waiting on my return for the next scene. My action in sync with God's active guidance, protection and grace, I can express to the universe "I am ready".
