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Essentially, we're all in Rome-mance. 
Electricity Communication Images, Stock Photos & Vectors ...The whore of Babylon is running a train on our minds and mind-fucking us to divide thus we are conquered.

We've been bamboozled and charged with embezzlement 
Oppression is wearing a new dress looking for his settlement.
Mass feminization of black males ain't even yet reckoned with

Debates are a silenced with the bullet of all lives matter
So we're splattered
in paints of red blood, white commerce, blue capital
To feel us with matter

Married to a Jesus of false rags and saturated in brand name tags
The residence of dead presidents worshiped
Is Evidence that money is your new master
Always sayin, "Hold your hand out bastard"
Or face disaster tryna climb my social ladder

Freedom ain't taught
It's bought
Souls sold, lives tossed
Purchase or be purchased
 This system needs a new surgeon

What's gonna come of us?

Just dust

Blow the smoke......
Break the mirrors.....
Make it clearer....
Clean the Rust... 
Like a phoenix
from the ashes 
out of the dust
they shall rise
born anew
the product of love
like seeds taking root in the soil
they thrive
But this time, it's true 
and not foreign romance
They dance

< ***************************************** >

Your mind can operate like a projector constantly rolling the human condition scripts on film titled Entrapment of Lack and Limitation if that is all that you choose to see.
I want to be free of such captivity so I choose to rewrite the story line chosen for me. 

In the words of Mayou Angelo, "We are powerful beyond measure." This holds truth to the highest bidder! In the instant that I removed all of the half truths and lies of American society I began to awaken. There is a false story positioned as a tactic of control and domination.
Before you read my insight today, ask yourself...

 "When I will I stop being a slave?" 

Inspiration | Solar System Exploration Research Virtual Institute
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...being a slave to my own flesh.....being a slave to money... being a slave to the void I feel deep within... being a slave to the  trauma I experienced in the past?

!!!STOP NOW!!!

All of those shackles warping your reality. Within, we have thoughts. Within those thoughts we formulate all types of interesting connections that actively DETERMINE our reality. Our thoughts are the gadgets of imagination and imagination is the seed to our harvest.
So when is my season to produce good fruit?
Do I declare my season? If so, do I do so aggressively or passively?

Dang right! I declare my season... Aggressively! I put thoughts into the universe that will increase my power and intellect! I have seniority over who and what there is of me. I would rather do more than just survive. I want to create! I want to do more than give to my family. I want to provide for an entire nation.

We are not waiting on God. God is waiting on us! 

We play an active role in our realities. Where the thoughts go the man follows. I am following a higher source of reason. Ownership of the self provides for creative ability to manifest; come to life; take responsibility for who I am! Yet we must overcome our weaknesses by relying on the metaphysical beings around who CRAVE to assist us. It's a collaborative effort. Source isn't just my creator, it's my teammate. But we cannot work together if I do not do my part of building on my gifts and allowing my weaknesses to be revealed to me then amended.

I may question myself occasionally and reach areas of uncertainty. However, it can all be summoned to one solid intention: to connect to my higher self and find the light that lies within. I have wild curiosities when using my imagination that often seem impossible because I've been sold the tale of this world that rests on lack and limitation. I believe  the Gods are real and also infinite! They're within you as well. Through this connection, all things are possible. Abundance is yours. Through the mind, the Gods rests its image. I have learned along my journey thus far to take ownership of my role in submitting my will to servicing the greater good of the whole. Serving my true purpose while living on this planet has to come from wisdom of a higher source. Source energy wills you to live the fruitful life already available to you and those you are made to bless along the way.
So one must find what he/she can control and regain power over your existence.
We're conditioned to a 2nd nature. One that is totally opposite of our true being.
Thus, there's a spell cast upon you.
One that transfuses lack and disparity.
What's your freedom gonna costs?
 Remain empowered by faith not by fear because love conquers all.

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