
Showing posts from December, 2014

Stroke after stroke

credits to S iftin g through the see,   Attempting to learn how to swim My head's under water but I'm breathing fine.  Take me out of my mind I want to reach your abyss Yet afraid of the darkness I may travel in Our attraction is like an ancient city lost under sea Shall we rise again? Reveal best kept secret to all life's mysteries? Searching... hunting... looking for valuables like crusaders thirsty for riches. They old say, "Everything that glitters ain' gold."  However I'm sold... on this one piece sunken down into your abyss The heart that aimed and missed  Can the passion within you be resurrected? Even though it was intersected Could you trust again? Let's go with the wind  Even if we never make it to shore Stroke after stroke I know I'm yours 💦💦💦💦💦💦💦 Credits to Tee Chan I think you remember how high you'd get  Where the vapors suspend the unfav